Marketing Automation With MediaView

October 16, 2020 | 1 Minute Read

Computer Fulfillment

There are many types of campaigns that can be set up using the Nurture Email module:

  • Welcome emails – send a thank you for subscribing/joining using the transaction code along with days since added fields
  • Re-engagement – reach out to those who have not opened a message recently to get them to re-engage using the days since opened field
  • Requalification effort series – set up efforts using months since qualified field, once the subscriber requalifies, they are no longer sent messages
  • Paid subscription renewal series – set up efforts using issues to go field. This can be used in conjunction with mailed renewal efforts
  • Follow-up message based on website visit – set up an email campaign which is triggered by a visit to a specific web page using the web visit page URL

With the Nurture Email Manager in MediaView you can set-up nurture campaigns to automatically send messages to people who perform a certain action, such as: open an email, click on a link or visit a web page on your site.

For more information on this process, simply send an email to our MediaView support team and we’ll be happy to assist you in setting up a Nurture campaign.