Need-to-know rules for successful upload of demographics

September 16, 2021 | 1 Minute Read

Computer Fulfillment

Situation: You have a list from a source outside of MediaView that has valuable contact and demographic data that you’d like to add for use in your marketing segmentation. But how can you ensure that that information goes into MediaView cleanly?

The Upload Manager module allows you to upload and import a wide variety of data but there are some special rules that need to be followed with regard to demographic data.

Some guidelines for uploading demographic data:

  • The exact alpha or numeric values must be uploaded into the demographic field.
  • If the field contains a leading zero, the spreadsheet being uploaded must be modified to include that leading zero (Excel strips away that value upon upload, so a leading quote must be placed in the field in order for the data to be uploaded with the leading zero).

  • English or other language descriptions cannot be uploaded unless, of course, the field in MediaView contains only English or other language descriptions. When in doubt, use codes.
  • Multi-response fields must contain the demographic values delimited by the pipe delimiter character.

Contact us at support if you have any questions!